Get the support you need to get your innovative products and services into market right, whether it's enterprise, mid-range growth, or start-up. You'll need smart content strategy, UX/MX/CX Experience integration, innovative thinking to match your product and service, branding, design, content, and marketing strategies for audience growth.
By generating great content strategy, innovative thinking, digital formats, UX/MX/CX Experience, branding, and content first, the design and development build become easier and smoother all the way through launch.
I've worked on all sides -- building at a start-up as a Creative Director, Senior UX Content Writer on product teams, a high-level creative at agencies, in-house corporate marketing teams, and leading as a freelancer by the project. I have over 15 years of experience working on a broad variety of recognizable products at well-known companies, including Innovation and Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies.
Additionally, I have certification and experience in how to build secure backends to protect your systems, enterprises, products, and services.
If you're just starting out on your own, or if you're a part of a well-established company that is growing, I have experience in building everything.
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Branding, Design, Innovative Thinking, with the bells and whistles
100 hr
20,000 US dollars 5 hr
1,000 US dollars1 hr
125 US dollars